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What's Otherhood about?

The number of people who will never have children is growing – and they're pushing back against the narrative that if they don't, their lives will be somehow 'less than'. 

OTHERHOOD's essays are by writers who've felt on the outside looking in, who've lived unexpected lives and who've given the finger to social expectations. Some chose to be childfree, some didn't get to choose and some – through bereavement or blended family dynamics – ask themselves: Am I a mother or am I other?

These 35 hilarious, heartbreaking and thought-provoking essays (and one comic) cover topics including religion, blended families, bereavement, Te Ao Māori, queerness, the foster care system, disability, infertility, domestic violence, abortion, freedom from social expectations  – and of course, the joys of being a big DINK (Double Income No Kids).   ​

Thought-provoking, moving and often hilarious, OTHERHOOD opens a more inclusive conversation about what makes a fulfilling life.


"Otherhood is a vibrant antithesis to the assumption that only biological motherhood can fulfil a life and a testament to the various connections that shape our lives."

- NZ Review of Books, The Listener

"In their introduction, the editors explain that their aim when putting together the anthology was to be able to contribute to a 'more inclusive conversation'. And they’ve succeeded"

- Kete Books

is a bestseller!


We made it to number four on the Indie Bookseller's Bestsellers List, number seven on the NZ bestseller's list, and more!

Otherhood is available from NZ bookstores and online, and in ebook format where you buy your ebooks. International fans, it will become more widely available from August 8, 2024.

'Other' events


Upcoming events

  • Watch this space for upcoming 2024 events in Nelson, Wellington, Queenstown and Christchurch.


Past events


  • We had book showers in three cities: Auckland, Wellington and Dunedin during May 2024. What a wonderful whirlwind!

  • Did you catch OTHERHOOD at the Auckland Writers' Festival in May?




Interviews & write-ups

  • Lil O'Brien on the AM TV show, watch here

  • Nine to Noon RNZ interview with all three editors, listen here​​​

  • Lil & Kathryn on Grey Areas podcast with Petra Bagust, listen on Spotify

  • Lil on the Kiwi Yarns podcast with Brodie Kane, listen on Spotify

  • 'What makes a fulfilling life' about Otherhood, on Capsule, read here



  • Review on Kete Books, read here

  • Review on the Aotearoa New Zealand Review of Books website, read here


Essay excerpts

  • Hinemoana Baker's 'Kingfisher' on Newsroom, read here

  • Lily Duvall's essay 'The Addington House' on The Spinoff, read here

  • Lil O'Brien's essay 'No Masturbation Allowed' in Ensemble Magazine, read here

Introducing our contributors

Alie Benge

Amie Taua

Andi C. Buchanan

Anna Borrie

Carolijn Guytonbeck

Donelle McKinley

Feby Idrus

Gabrielle Amodeo

Ghazaleh Gol

Golriz Ghahraman

Grainne Patterson

Hazel Phillips

Helen Rickerby

Henrietta Bollinger

Hinemoana Baker

Iona Winter

Jackie Clarke

Janie Smith

Jazial Crossley

Kathryn van Beek 

Kate Camp

Kerry Sunderland

Lil O'Brien 

Lily Duval

Linda Collins

Linda Rooney

Lori Leigh

Lucy O'Connor

Melanie Newfield

Michaela Tempany

Nicola Brown

Paula Morris

Raina Ng

Sam Orchard

Shaneel Lal

Steff Green

About the editors

Our launches & events


Order a copy or take a look inside the book here:

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